Kathy Salazar

Florida Real Estate

BCI Requirements

Violated requirements p.p.3.9, 3.19 Manual labor protection for punch, carrying out work in cold forging presses BCI 2.6, approved by director of "B" 18.01.2006g. 3. Not provide adequate structural unit manager monitoring compliance with subordinates to follow instructions on occupational safety. Breached paragraph 6 of art. 55 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, the provisions of 3.11: Responsibilities and accountability of officials for the state of labor in the company "B" ratified. Order of Director of "B 16 dated 27 October 2006., 4.10 job description head of production company site "B", ratified. Director of "B" 1 March 2006. 5.

Persons who committed the violation of labor legislation and safety 1. M.T.A., shtampovschitsa production unit of the Limited Liability Company "B" is registered in the administration of Zavodsky district of Minsk, which violated the requirements of regulations on labor protection in side removal of the workpiece in a hazardous area without the use of forceps or a hook, as well as finding the hand in a dangerous area of the stamp, when the motor is turned on the press, thus violating the requirements p.p.3.9, 3.19 Manual labor protection for stampers, carrying out work in cold forging presses BCI 6.2, approved by director of "B" 18.01.2006g. 2. A.R.V., the chief production site of a limited liability company "B" is registered in the administration Zavodsky district of Minsk, which does not fully complied with its obligations under health and safety in terms of failure to adequately monitor compliance with the requirements of the employee manual labor protection, thus violating requirements of paragraph 6 of art. 55 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, the provisions of 3.11: Responsibilities and accountability of officials for the state of labor in the company "B", ratified. Order of Director of "B 16 dated 27 October 2006., 4.10 Job Description head of production company site "B", ratified.

Director of "B" 1 March 2006. 6. Activities to address the causes of the accident. MeropriyatiySrok on the implementation of compliance 1.Obespechit employees of the requirements of regulations on labor protection. 2. To ensure control over the use of special hooks or employees of tweezers for removing parts from the press. 3. Conduct unscheduled briefings with all employees Ltd. "B" in connection with the accident occurred in heavy exodus from M.T.A.4. Issue an order to eliminate the causes of the accident with M.T.A.5. Consider termination of the contract with the chief production site A.R.V. that failed to ensure proper monitoring of compliance with worker health and safety instructions. 7. Conclusions. On the basis of paragraph 3 of the Rules of investigating and recording accidents and occupational diseases approved Resolution of the Council of Ministers on January 15, 2004. 30 (National Register of the Republic of Belarus, 2004., 8, 5 / 13691), an accident with M.T.A., shtampovschitsey manufacturing site of a limited responsibility "B", registered in the administration of Zavodsky district of Minsk, is subject to execution of the act of an accident at work Form H-1, accounting in company "B" and included in state statistical statements. State labor inspectors met with the victim and explained the rights provided by law.

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