Kathy Salazar

Florida Real Estate

Directory of Resources

Idea No. 3 Create a directory of resources within your website. They may include reviews or links to digital books, electronic newsletters, websites, etc. Lincoln Property has plenty of information regarding this issue. If people find your directory will find value, security has come back again and again to your website. Idea No.

4 Obsequiele visitors a digital book. You may include within the same advertising to your website. Let others give away the book from their websites. If you do not want to take the time to write a book of their own, to collect articles from other authors, request permission to reproduce and create your own ebook to give away to their visitors. This has the potential to spread like a virus, as it surely will offer more than one book from their web sites to its list of subscribers to their newsletters. Digital books, or also known as e-books are an excellent tool for viral dissemination.

Idea No. 5 Organize classes or seminars online “live.” These conferences are able to perform in a voice chat room or using any of audio conferencing systems that begin to bloom in the network. The very idea of providing information “live” definitely will make people go to their website, and will help position you and your company as experts in the field. Do not forget to invite you to subscribe to your newsletter. Remember: Money on the Internet is on the lists and if you have not started to build, you’re wasting time and money. Idea No. 6 Hold a contest. Prizes must be something of interest and value to your visitors. People who subscribe to its competition will return to your site to see the results. Idea No. 7 Allow your visitors to download software (or something similar) for free. You can even convert some of its web site a directory of free resources. Do not forget the software or other material to give away with your own advertising. Idea No. 8 Offer free services from your website. Examples: Service for inclusion in search engines, advertising proofreading. The service must, of course, be useful to your target audience. Idea No. 9 Offer free consulting to people who visit your website. This is an excellent strategy to attract prospects “hot.” You can provide this consultancy by e-mail, telephone or by any means. Something like “15 minutes of free consulting.” People consider this offer as something of value, especially if you consider that consulting fees are too high by some experts. Idea No. 10 Offer your visitors a free membership to a virtual club. People love to feel that they belong to something. Those who subscribe to your club also receive a special newsletter for members only. Want to learn more about how to generate more traffic to your website?

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