Materials for Properties
Common hardness, weldability, malleability and other properties of ferrous ones. The metals especially the Steel of construction requires of some properties to fulfill this intention, evidently, the structural ones in first instance, as well as those associates to the capacity whom they have to be conformed to become attached itself to the ingenieriles requirements. These characteristics have much to do with the form that has the coal grains as well as the amount of the same in the ferrifica matrix, as it is evident, to the being the coal mineral the more duro, while but presence we have of the major will be the magnitude of this property, but this consideration is not the unique one that is due to take into account because to greater hardness greater fragility, minor weld capacity as well as smaller maquinabilidad. We define, then each of these properties: Hardness. – He interprets himself like the resistance that offers the material to be lined and is accustomed to proportional to the fragility, greater hardness, major fragility, usually Brinell is moderate in denominated scales, for materials smooth and Rockwel To, B, C, for hard materials being this last but common one, the usual form to measure it is a function of a indentacin that produces a striker pin in the surface of a metal, to the being left in free fall, a height previously defined, evidently this striker pin is very hard sometimes is a diamond. Maquinabilidad: It is the affinity that has a material to be conformed in the processes of shaving starting and is a very valuable property, in when to costs and times of production one talks about. Weldability.
– Directly tie to the maquinabilidad and evidently to the amount of coal in the ferrifica matrix, reason why it is possible to be concluded that the smeltings are difficult to weld and the steel are very weldable. These properties can be reached in major or minor measured with certain techniques, cradles in it reactions of the materials to the controlled heating and cooling, thus these procedures are known with the generic denominativo, of heat treatments. The main treatments are: Tempering. – It consists of warming up piece near 900 Cs and to cool quickly submerging it in oil or water of more or less abrupt way, this causes that the piece becomes hardened quickly, but fragiliza also it, is important to write down that following the geometry of the same, the immersion process is realised since tensions can be generated that in the long run harm the resistance of the piece. Tempering.
– This process is very recommendable especially after the weather and must like object homogenizar the crystalline structure of the steel, the temperature of tempering consists of a new heating (depends on the type of steel) and a very slow cooling is generally realised it with the help of a furnace. Annealed. – Especially it is used to increase the elasticity of the piece, but also it offers good properties of maquinabilidad, because like the homogeniza tempering the structure of the steel and produces I sharpen of the grain, very recommendable after the work in it fried, since this it produces a fine grain in the proximity of where I am realised it, whereas in the rest of the piece the structure, continuous being the same, it also executes warming up the piece to a temperature between 800 Cs and 900 Cs soon to cool it slowly. Original author and source of the article.