Occult Enemy
Innumerable times in we see them falling in the same ambush of the easy credit: ' ' It buys now and it only pays with its 13' ' ; ' ' It buys with tax of interests zero' ' ; ' ' It buys, it buys, compre' '. we leave for there buying without any planning, as consuming that we are we do not think more about nothing, at least we stop to calculate how much what we are acquiring it will cost in fact in the ending of the payment. Taking in account the factor to buy a product the stated period and to find that we are having profit with this, we still forget that this parcel will compose our monthly expenditure. where enters the interests in this history? It there, occult, is inlaid in the parcels of the good however acquired, many times consuming great part of ours so sweated money, the problem is that we know of this and exactly thus we do not prevent it. But because this happens with the majority of the Brazilians? It happens because we are consuming imediatistas, we want everything in the hour, we do not know to wait. Clearly, he is very gostoso I smell to feel it of new car in the garage, with all spotless, comfortable and shining one, however, he is much more pleasant to exactly enter in this car without the indesejada presence of a robust stub-book in the door-gloves with parcels still more indesejadas taking our money even so.
But as to prevent this, in a country where to buy it is part of ' ' felicidade' ' of the majority of the people? The reply it dream not to turn nightmare is simple: BEHAVIOR CHANGE. When people want some thing fight incessantly for it, be that as it may, house, land, car, trip etc, are not same? But we do not give account of how much we are hasty and anxious in relation to this, it is in this hour that we must calming in them and leaving for 4 basic and infallible questions: I need this? If to answer yes, goes for the next question: I have money to buy? If yes, he goes for third: He has that to be now? the last one: This is optimum price that I obtain? If it did not pass of the first question, forgets. It does not buy. This formula will prevent to make to pay it interests it will help and it to make a good purchase, can be certain. It will have a better moment for such and then it will understand that to expect a little, of the one to obtain much more of what it is desiring at that moment, and better still, without paying interests. Silvio Medeiros Accountant and Financial Educator