Kathy Salazar

Florida Real Estate

Social Media

Social media is a current trend that has grown exponentially in the last time and has come here to stay. Many small and big companies begin to develop in this new social world, adapting to the new social technologies that are emerging. With the new sites, services, applications and practices that help companies connect directly with customers who come into operation of way online at a rapid pace, is often useful to keep an eye on the upcoming trends that are on the horizon. Whether or not individual services that to succeed, the following trends will be future realities in the short term. Some may not be of immediate interest to your company or industry, but being aware of the movements of opposite direction in the media landscape social can help keep you and your business ahead of the curve when a new trend is very promising for the growth of your organization.

1 Location, location, location always has been the case of real estate, but it is becoming increasingly more absolutely all online. Sites like Twitter can now attach location information where it sends a specific tweet and Facebook has announced intentions to support location information also. In the mobile space, there are a series of stand-alone applications that let users perform checks in and transmit its current location to your friends with the style of Foursquare and Gowalla services. Players already established as Google are also entering the game with services like Google Latitude, which allows its location update form automatically if you are comfortable with that level of privacy settings. In general, the approach of localization is great news for a lot of small companies, many of which have a vested interest in that cater to a local clientele. Even Yelp, one of the standards in which has local recommendations referred to, has added a check feature-similar to what applications like Getglue and Gowalla provide in.

Fri, July 19 2013 » News