The Individual
It defies the authority, not accepted limits orders, do not work in group, make responsible the others for its hostile behavior, known as pavio-short (*). Antisocial TCConduta, aggressive behavior and challenging profile (breaking of the civic rights of outrem, depredation of its properties, intimidation, cruelty with animals and people, robberies, repeated lies, to cabular lesson or to run away from house, some serious accesses of birra (*). TDAHPrincipais symptoms: distraction, impulsiveneness and hiperatividade (physical and mental). Secondary symptoms: low auto-they esteem, low tolerance to stress, extreme delay to initiate or to execute a work, chemical dependence, frequent depressions, among others (***). DI revealed frequently for the sadness, lack of motivation, solitude and depressed, irritable and unstable mood. It produces social and academic difficulties that compromise the development and the functioning of the individual in its interpersonal and social relations (*).
Serious TBHCondio that affects life of the acometidos individuals. It is known as affective psychosis for presenting characteristics as: sudden changes of mood, auto-esteem increased, hiper-sexuality, craze of largeness, thought and speak sped up, mannering inadequao, distraction, agitation and fidget, necessity of being ' ' center of atenes' ' , irritability, emotional instability, aggressiveness and accesses of anger (**). TASensaes subjective of discomfort, fidget, anxiety that unchains somatic symptoms (sudorese, dry, taquicardia mouth, nervousness and others) and other upheavals, as obsessive-compulsory, anxiety of separation, generalized anxiety, panic, social phobia and selective mutismo (**). Involuntary, fast, recurrent and not rhythmic TTMovimento motor, or vocal production. It has great variety. They tend to be irresistible and if they present in a varied time. In both the cases, if classify as simple and complex (*).
RMInterrupo of the development of the mind. It presents difficulties in the global activities: cognitivas aptitudes, of language, social motor and (*). Sources: (*) CID-10 (1992); (**) Marcelli & Cohen (2009); (***) It hisses (2003). 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS the article emphasizes the importance to differentiate the terms conceptually difficulty and upheaval so that it does not have improper interpretations that they can harm the development and the learning of the pupil.