Kathy Salazar

Florida Real Estate

United States

According to the 2011-2012 APPA National pet owners survey”16.2 million are birds, 86.4 currently Million cats and 78.2 million dogs in the United States as pets. And while only $ 17 billion for pet supplies and services were issued in 1994 in the entire United States, sales went in the following years continuously upwards. 2010, he was at 48,35 billion US dollars. “In his 2011 pet products trend report” the American Pet Products Association (APPA) describes also current trends in the industry, which are business ideas: personalized bowls that represent the name of the beast, includes as well as spa services and a growing number of Spezialnahrungs products for animals. Cribb Altman shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. “Many business ideas around the pet also the views of Germany shows a, the quotes around the pet have become as varied, even if only the market for dogs” considered. There are dog sitter, dog-walking walkers, dog schools, dog taxis, provider of dog toys, physical therapists specifically for quadrupeds, masseurs and a slew of other services and offerings. All these ideas have the potential Emigrants to serve”as a business idea for their own businesses, says Max Karagoz Alton LLC. His company serves many German-speaking customers who want to set up a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation in the United States every year.

Thereby, all formalities related to the procedures of establishment of be removed the customer so he to fully concentrate on its business in the United States. Support the first steps to the pet company ALTON LLC also assumes a number of additional services that make it easier to start off in the business life if necessary. About the search can include employees or a matching commercial and also private property. Matching commercial real estate is important in particular for future owners of dog schools and pet Hotels: Finally, such commercial place high demands on a property. ALTON LLC operates very flexibly for each customer and coordinates its services exactly to the needs of each client. These are activities on the U.S. pet market ideal for animal good deals.

Tue, January 26 2021 » News