In the new Constitution should be further clarified in the Economic System in a clear manner that “Natural resources are national assets and that your care and control must be a fundamental part of the new country that we build.” On the ownership and use of resources renewable and nonrenewable natural feel that any form of control and care of them should be sufficient for its use and exploitation are to benefit entire Bolivian population without discrimination, shall be allocated 10% for the National Fund for Security and Defence. Natural resources are national domain.
The special benefits claiming some regions by the location thereof, must be subordinated to the general good of the Bolivian nation. With respect to indigenous rights over natural resources we believe that these rights while ensuring their survival, should not mean a discriminatory treatment to the rest of the Bolivian population, should be avoided in the treatment of ethnic diversity as a factor in benefit of a few to the detriment the rest of the Bolivians. Biodiversity as a natural resource, should be considered assets of all Bolivians, be protected and exploited according to the concept of sustainable wise use for the benefit of all who live in our homeland. Should be included in the new Constitution: The so-called third generation rights, we must talk about protecting the natural heritage of the state, such as land, water, air, and biodiversity importance. From this perspective is necessary to incorporate the rights to enjoy a healthy environment, the right to peace and sustainable development.