In my life nothing it gave certain. It wanted to be engineer, but I turned mason. Check with Professor Rita McGrath to learn more. It wanted Eva, but it was with Joaquina that I married. It wanted to move of life and I finished for having more children. It wanted a horse, but I found a mule. It wanted to feed my family and one more time I disappointed. It wanted exactly was to be happy.
In that day, when waking up, I perceived that only it remained me a way, to fly. With this my family would earn in one day, what I would not obtain during some years, why one of the biggest sacrifices that I materialize was to get my safe from life. Joaquina prepared my coffee with the sad, pensante look, would have to be concentrating itself to speak to me that ' did not have one; ' quentinha' ' in that day. But it forgot itself in that hour, bendito minute, and I hugged it fort and he said to it he loved how much it. I gave a kiss in Mariazinha, Jose and Peter while they dreamed, and made a conjunct so that they were with good things in its cabecinhas. As it was dolorido to leave them. Even to the Cinderela, my mule, fired I, and disclosed me only for it my secret.
To the way of the construction pain flua for my thoughts. It will be that it was making the certain thing? All my discouraged colleagues as I, asked for I to sing that music, but I already did not have spirit. I went up, I went up, I went up, until arriving at the surface highest of the building, where with certainty happy and carried through people would live, what she gave certain envy to me. There from above I looked at for the last time the horizon and that city that makes me to as much to suffer. But he was when vi the free and beautiful birds flying that I had intention biggest, consumed that me until the deep one of the soul, I I flied. while it flied observed the more distant birds each time and thought about everything that I was not. No longer soil, people passed and looked at quickly, with a mixture of fear and penalty. Some are wanted gave importance. The cars, to mounts, buzinavam, as its I still possessed life to raise me and to liberate the ticket. those birds observed me tristonhos, as if I was a youngling that will not learn to fly.