Use whatever RSS feed (for the purpose of any blog for business purposes is to be read and earn money) to make it easier for readers to find and subscribe. 3) Use the most popular social networks like Twitter, Facebook and others to tell people that you got new content and also to enable them to exchange it with other readers. 4) Optimize your blog for search engines. Enter keywords for your blog titles and URLs, and also writes on topics that your customers would be looking at that time. But never leave the subject by the mere fact of writing but I assure Proquad keywords can cost them dearly. 4) Too many expectations for a very short time to have an online business is like having another business altogether. All businesses need time to stabilize and then to begin its growth. Down2Earth understands that this is vital information.
An online business is no exception, as it requires time that people are interested in what you offer and so you can begin to create an important community. It is common that an early feel that what he writes does not serve anyone. Obviously a blog will not be super popular or successful return from night to morning. Do not despair, because it takes time to build a faithful relationship with the first readers. Establish attainable goals, ie to add quality content at least 1 year and is going to realize that the little people taking hold. Make sure your blog is easy to find and offers them the opportunity to readers to write comments and other content to share between them.
Do not treat a blog as a press release. A blog can not be treated as a place to dictate press releases but has to be treated like a conversation that offers customers the possibility to connect in a different way our business. Instead the press releases are just the opposite: impersonal, self-promotional and unreliable for people. If you change your blog like a press release surely what you will achieve is that people gradually go away. Use to create your blog for products or ads for your business, but always writing stuff so do original. Share your knowledge of business industries, and share the day to day work in your company and all the tips learned about your business.