Boa Vista
Moreover, they were proceeding from peasants and, very rare, diplomats, which came to continue to work with the same occupation with which the family already dealt in Portugal, therefore the profession at the time also was hereditary. On the family S de Salgueiro is counted the case of Manuel de S, son of Jose de S Arajo and D. Maria Oak (Carvalha), been born in the Canabrava farm, of the current city of Belm of the San Francisco? FOOT, then clientele of Cabrob, at the beginning of the century passed, that exerted, according to Antonio Arajo, the function of collector of I decimate, since young, for determination of the Church. Arriving at the region of Garden in the Cear, the service of its mission, was to take up quarters in the house of the Lieutenant Antonio de a Cruz Snows (Tonic), where Quitria knew de a Cruz Snows. Married they had come to inhabit in the Boa Vista farm, where if they had dedicated to the cattle creation and to the small agriculture. Its children: Raymond de S, Joaquin de S Arajo, Francisco de S, Mariana de S- de Belm, Antonio de S- of the Cantinho and others.
The death of Quitria, Manoel de S was married in second marriage with Cndida de a Cruz Tonic Snows, son, niece of Quitria, who had: Joo of S, Amncio de S, of New Land, D. Maria of S Snows, Donira, Generosa and Antonio de S. (To see Genealogy of Pan D? Water, of Marlindo Saucers). Of all its children, Raymond de S, the boy was distinguished who if lost in the Boa Vista farm and was found, where if finds today its statue. This fact almost took to the desperation its parents who had made a promise with Saint Antonio, according to which, if it found its son with life they would construct a chapel to the Saint and festejavam, for all the life.