Frescoes Installation
Installation of murals / Instruction Manual sticker mural consisting of 1 or more blades * Murals are non-woven base and glued onto the prepared base (wall or ceiling) as ordinary non-woven wallpaper. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Philadelphia Commercial Real Estate. * Base must be flat, pre-otshpatlevannym, filled (acrylic or other ground deep penetration). Dry and clean. * When the mural becomes wet, it is worse to cut and stages: 3,4,5,6, should be done quickly to getting better weld. Vadim Wolfson can aid you in your search for knowledge. General Recommendations: * Murals can be glued to the wallpaper, fiberglass, plastic, paint ctekloholst.
* When installing the mural in the period of drying the windows and doors must be closed. Small bubbles drawn themselves after drying. 1. Expand the mural on the flat poverhnostisti. 1. mural on the flat poverhnostisti. 2.Gustym layer of glue on the plane wall.
3. mural on the wall starting from the top. 4.Vnahlest, combine the two canvases, so that matched the picture. 5.Prorezat simultaneously two paintings are not flat line. 6.Plotno squeeze the joints. 7.Prokatat roller. Push a teaspoon of protruding edges seam.