Kathy Salazar

Florida Real Estate

Real Premium

In this way, he knows even his future interest burden, which significantly improves the predictability of its funding. The disadvantage of the forward loan: It is worth only if, in the future interest rates are actually higher. Remains the level at the same level or the interest paid out are even lower, it pays the borrower in a worst-case scenario. Accrues interest-rate premium for the “freezing” of interest the providers require usually an interest-rate premium of 0.02 to 0.04 per month to the forward loan payment. The beginning of the loan would be, for example, in four years, it would become more expensive with a premium of 0.02 percentage points to a total 0.96 percent. Some lenders even waive the surcharge. However: A low or not falling interest-rate premium does not necessarily mean a cheap forward loan, but basically the reason interest is crucial, how much the cost of the recorded loan amount are ultimately. Therefore apply here as for conventional Real estate loans also: interested parties must exactly compare.

Already a half a percent higher loan interest increased the credit at a residual debt of 100,000 euros and with 10 years maturity to 5,000 euros. Important to know: some banks making loans forward only if the customer picks up a certain minimum loan amount. Description of the company Baufi24.de is one of the most popular Web portals for private mortgage lending. More than 2 million visitors per year to gather on baufi24.de on the topic of real estate financing. The Baufi24 partner network enables the comparison of offers from over 300 banks – including service and extensive consultation with more than 1,000 certified consultants.

Fri, March 28 2014 » News