What Requirements Apply To The Borrower ?
On crediting to the borrower (Co-Borrower), the following requirements: For the borrower's loan amount depends on the level of income. The calculation can be adopted income spouse (wife), family member or another person face, which in this case will serve as co-borrower of solidarity. Your husband (wife) serves as a co-borrower on the principal of solidarity loan to buy an apartment in the required order. The total number of co-borrowers under the loan agreement may not exceed four persons, including not more than two, consisting of a relative you. Mortgages the apartment to the Bank certified mortgages, which issued by you in conjunction with the Bank after the completion of a residential house in which you have purchased an apartment. To obtain a mortgage on an apartment you need to carry out its evaluation in the assessment companies cooperating with Bank. Pre-qualification standards zaemschikovVozrast Borrower: Borrower's minimum age – 18 years.
The maximum age of the borrower, regardless of sex may not exceed (at the end of the term of loan) – 60 let.Stazh work: The general length of service limitation. Experience of the last job should be – at least 6 months. The exceptions are the Borrowers, taken without a probationary period (in this case, experience can be at least 3 months), as well as borrowers, the probationary period in which proshel.Period for which income is taken into account: the borrower's income at the main place of work and part-time accounted for a period of 6 months (or for the actual While working in the company when it has less than 6 months).