Interregional Transactions
In August 2010, a significant event happened in the market of inter-regional deals – signed a cooperation agreement between the companies Fair (Yekaterinburg) and City Center real estate transactions (SC "Ecotone" department "Ladoga" St. Petersburg). Joint work has started without swinging, and in the first month was taken 55 applications from customers wanting to get real estate services in St. Petersburg. The main share of customers interested in services urban real estate market to 80% (44) of the total number who applied.
Accordingly, 10 people wanted to sell the apartment, located in St. Petersburg and to receive money, and 7 more willing to trade flat on more comfortable. Number of people willing to buy an apartment amounted to 8 people. Another 19 people wanted to use the services of rental apartments, 16 people wanted to rent an apartment and 3 people to rent an apartment. Proportion of clients applied for service in the suburban real estate market, up 7% (4 people). Of them, 2 people wanted to sell a vacation home and get the money, two-man exchanged for another house and a man wanted to buy a new home.
Services commercial real estate market willing to take 3 people, one buyer and two people looking for commercial space for lease. 2 more people have requested help in an apartment in a newly built house, and a people wished to obtain an estimate of available apartments in St. Petersburg. Thus, the situation, outlined in urban real estate market of St. Petersburg, is identical to the situation of clients who applied under the interregional cooperation. Still on the market purchase and sale of the majority are sellers and the market rent tenants. Suburban real estate market is dominated by the same sellers. But in the commercial real estate real estate agents refer mainly to search for properties to buy or rent. Town Center real estate transactions – a multifunctional complex that includes the real estate agency notary public, bank and insurance company and allow for the deal to lease, purchase, sale or exchange of an apartment, cottage or luxury villa, land, land, commercial property, any difficulty in meeting all the requirements of modernity